Friday, August 26, 2011

Favorite Sentences this week

"I begin to weary of this vastness, the endless of this place" -Catching Flames

"I can smell and excellent meal being prepared, but it doesn't block out the odors of mildew and rot" - Catching Flames

"I didn't know him but I always respected him" - Catching Flames

My favorite sentence of those three is the first one. Probably because Ive been in landscapes that resemble the one she is talking about. Open plains that extend for as far as the eye can see. You get a real hopelessness and you begin to feel that it goes on for forever and it'll never end. Its one of the worst feelings you can experience, to be trapped in a vast place that never seems to come to an end.

this week

I  finished reading: The Hunger Games
I'm Reading: Catching flames
Pages flipped :454

The Hunger games seris Part two

So this week I started reading Catching flames from the hunger games series and I'm currently only 80 pages in. I have to admit though so far its kind of boring. A lot of it have been just about emotions and all that kinda crap. It reminds me that this book was definitely written by a girl beacuse its really emotional lol. I'm kind of pre judging though because i'm still very early in the book. I have high hopes for this book and I hope I'm not let down.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Reaction to The Hunger Games

                     To start off let me tell you to go no further if you don't want any spoilers... I'm going to try not to spoil anything for people that haven't read this amazing book yet but what can I say it happens. This book is really pulling and once it has you in its grip it doesn't let go. I actually read 98% of this book on the same day throughout the day because of how into the story I was. Although it doesn't really pick up until about page 138, once it gets there you're pretty much hooked. But don't get me wrong the book is very interesting before that too. Its really neat to hear about their world, which is supposed to be in the future after the fall of North America. there are few privileged citizens and everyone else is basically in poverty. The Capitol, which is where are the privileged citizens live, is full of luxuries and has futuristic technologies while everywhere else people are starving and still rely on hunting for food and coal for heat... Kinda reminds me of something... hmmm.... Maybe First  world countries and third world countries?? Yea I think that's it.
                     The basic plot of this book is a Girl who lives with her mom and her sister volunteers to participate in the hunger games in order to take her sisters place. The Hunger games is basically a match to the death played in a gigantic outdoor arena full of obstacles. The games can take as much time as is needed for all the contestants except one to die. There are no rules. The Capitol chooses a teenage boy and girl between the ages of 12-18 from each of the 12 districts. Katniss which is the protagonist of the story, must fight in the hunger games to stay alive and make it back home to take care of her family since her father died long ago.
                      Overall this book is pretty amazing and is enthralling. I recommend it to anyone with spare time or who just loves a good read. I'm now making my way through the second installment of this book so expect a reviewish type thing on that soon!

Monday, August 22, 2011

My first post

 This whole blog thing is new to me and although I know what they are and how they work it still seems awkward. The idea of posting your thoughts and feelings online in one concentrated spot where people can come and go to read them seems so strange to me. Everyone formulates opinions and has thoughts over subject matter but few people actually know how to express it. I don't consider myself one of these people who can just type or write their feelings and make it seem natural or fun to read. I always have these random ideas and think wow I should write this down because its really smart or I think my opinion over a particular subject is pretty  well thought out and constructive, but I never end up sharing it with anyone. Maybe because even though I say to myself that it is a good idea in reality I know it might not be or I'm just afraid that someone has already said what I have to say or that someone else will be able to contradict my opinion and make me look foolish. I really don't know why I always end up holding back but I guess this Blog will be a way for me to give my thoughts and what I feel about the stuff I read. Thanks for taking the time to read my rambling.